Assalamualaikum & hello guys!!! First of all my entry kali ni is how to purchase cheap air promo from AA. After a few visit to AA facebook, ramai gile komplen saying AA is lying and what so ever and it is not cheap. Kesian betul kat org mcm ni. To me its already cheap? why? Before this i travel a lot using the only airlines in the country which is MAS. So, i know how to compare whether its cheap or not. Back to my topic!! Hahahaha... nak start merapu dah ni. This is my opinion or my review/study/experience how to purchase AA promo.
1. Subscribe for AA Email by doing this you much more alert of the Promo. So get ready utk purchase tiket. You will receive email like below :
2. Create AA account in By doing this, you can key in ur personal details without doing it over and over again. Pastu bile dh dpt promo alert tu key in sesiap name kengkawan yg nk ikut dlm tu Add a family or friend. Senang je.. xperlu lah nk type2 sbb smpi kat submit, nanti harga berubah. Dah menyesal.
Contoh Add a family or friend
3. Choose destination mane korang nak pergi. Pastu get ready calendar next year if that promo is for next year flight. Pilih date & destination.Before promo start, AA akan list out kan price fare. But REMEMBER, AA fare for/during Public Holiday the price is still higher but still cheap compare to normal price. If you want really cheap price, please travel WEEKDAYS!. I boleh gerenti you the fare much more cheaper. For weekends and public holiday the price wont be cheap all the time. Maybe a few seat so 1st came 1st serve!
Example Price Fare for each destination.
4. Promo Start je, xperlulah korang nak berebut to purcahse that tiket masa 12.00am . How many times of you stuck while login or looking for the fare? So many time right? Bear in minds the fare is not only for Malaysian. ASEAN people also doing the same thing try to grab the promo. If you really want to travel and go for cheap airfare please wake up 3.00-5.00am . I did mine so i have experience purchase the rm0.10 flight, rm0.05 flight and even free seat!!! Those who to much complaint bettter try again next time according to my tips. But dont forget to refer item no.3
5. Search by day within the date you choose to plan ur trip. InsyaAllah gerenti dapat. AA will not show price like normal without clicking on the date. Its stay hidden. That's why you have to choose day by day.
6. After that sampai kat payment tapi ur fren not bank in duit lagi and u dont have the money to make payment pastu takut fare taken by others this is how u gonna do it. Its some sort like you block the seat 1st for you without paying the airline. Mcm mana? Senang je... Choose direct debit like m2u or Cimb Clicks. Im using m2u. Pop up will come out and you need to Log in to ur account. Pastu the page gonna show u the amount u need to pay and to which company. Proceed smpi request TAC. Bila dah receive TAC tu PLEASE KEY IN THE WRONG TAC NUMBER. Contoh u receive 123456 but u key in 123457.. So, m2u page gonna will state wrong TAC key in and the pop window gonna close and revert to AA payment page. Done!! ur seat block within 2hours minimum. So during that time you may ask ur fren to bank in the money immediately. The risk is if suddenly 1 or more tak jadi pergi u have to look for another fare or else you gonna pay fullamount. So make sure semua org pergi!!
7. Dont bother about the meal, the bag, the insurance and comfort kit. That 1 you can buy LATER. Just proceed to tiket and pay the ticket fare only.
8. I already bought 4 tickets during the promo. And its for 2.. Busan, Krabi, Miri & Siem Reap, Bandung (3rd time), and KK (5th time). Hahahaha... Selamat Bershopping tiket flight!!!